Shifting Sands, Teacher Training, August


Hello Friends

As the world continues to shift and evolve in the changing shape of this pandemic, I realize that looking for a "return to normal" may be utterly beside the point. The same is true of the studio. What it will be, what it is now, what it was....there are days I scratch my head and can only wonder. With the studio, I expected—perhaps naively—that things would "return to normal" once "normal" was an option. It became clear as weeks passed that this IS normal. This, right now, whatever is happening, is our new normal. And it keeps changing.

One of the many things the pandemic taught me was to recognize when something is simply not working, and to stop doing it. Do something different. Make a change. Adapt. In terms of the studio what does this mean? Well, first of all: no more printing schedules. Less paper, more flexibility with class schedule fluctuation. Easy decision.

As we watch actual attendance patterns I am making decisions weekly about classes. If a class is not working for whatever reason, meaning not enough people show up on a weekly basis to pay a teacher and not lose money, we cancel the class. This doesn't mean that we won't try again in the future with that class, but wanting a class to thrive doesn't make it so. For one thing, there are enormous seasonal fluctuations in attendance. We can be fluid and adapt to these changes that shifting seasons yield.

We are asking students to sign up ahead of time for all in-person classes. Otherwise, you might just show up and find there isn't space, or you may show up and find there is nobody there because nobody signed up by the time the teacher had to make the decision whether to drive in or not.

The takeaway is that you vote for keeping a class on the schedule by signing up and showing up. The other takeaway: plan ahead. And reach out anytime via email or text or phone. I'm quick to respond.

I'm glad that the various livestream and recorded options are working for so many people. For many classes, that option is here to stay. That said, if nobody is signed up for a livestream class by an hour prior, it's possible that will no longer be an option by class's a different set up when we have a camera/device placed and rolling in the middle of the space, a mic to hook up, etc. and the presence or not of virtual participants also affects what and how we teach, ie, how we arrange the mats, whether we can use the wall, Whether to teach certain kinds of poses—like inversions and advanced postures—that are better taught in person.

I'm really hoping when I read this over it doesn't sound in any way scolding or punitive; that's definitely not my intention. I've been so interested to hear what is and is not working for people, and interested to see who is showing up where. I expect the watch/adapt model will continue, and it's a two-way street for sure. I'd love to hear how it's going for you! Reach out anytime.

Finally, I want to let my students know that I will be having surgery on August 4 to try and address some of the issues in one shoulder. It's a long and sort of boring tale. (If you are interested here is the longer story) All you really need to know is that I will be fine. I am planning to take all of August off from teaching and will cancel any classes for which I can't find the right coverage. If I find I am more functional than I anticipate, I may find a way to teach some of these classes verbally with other people demonstrating the poses visually. As with everything else, I will cover what I can, see how it goes, and make changes as needed.

In the meantime, hope to see you in WRJ, in Thetford, and in Zoomland!

Happy Mid Summer everyone


Beginning Again. And again and again and again….


Yoga Inside, Outside, On the Screen and Inside Out