Giving Back: Our Annual Benefit


Giving Back:
Sharon's Invitation for Thanksgiving Morning

"My son and daughter have been collectingchange in their "giving" jars for quite a while. Yesterday they eachselected four pieces of their Halloween candy and decided they wanted totake the money and the candy to "the Havens."

We've talked about the Haven often in their lifetimes, as each year Ioffer a benefit yoga class for the Haven, and as a family we deliver themoney and food donations.  When they were still in diapers, each childcarried a bag with one item in it, and gave it to the woman at the desk.

When I asked them yesterday how they felt inside about giving, my sonsaid, I feel shy, and I feel happy.  Which is, I think, exactly right.We can feel shy about how much we have, and happy to share it with thosewho do not have enough.

I hope you'll join me this Thursday, Thanksgiving morning at nine a.m. Leave the bread rising, leave the turkey roasting, leave your cousinsasleep in the guest room or bring them with you. We will share in anall-levels yoga practice that celebrates what we have, what we can give,and our loving, welcoming yoga community.

Please check the Haven's website to see what's needed most.  I saw arecent post indicating twin sized blankets, peanut butter, and tuna fishare high on their list right now.  If you'd like to make a donation,checks made right to the Haven and cash are welcome.  Sorry, I can'tswipe a credit or debit card for this class.

All levels and all ages are welcome.  Happy Thanksgiving, and thank you."


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