After 2 Days Of Exploring Ahimsa...When The World Goes Nuts


Well that was bananas. I woke early with a media madness hangover, too much ingestion of an icky soup of terror and meanness and fear. I think that's what I'm feeling. How are you all??

As it happens, I have been exploring "Ahimsa" in my classes and meditations these past 3 days. Ahimsa is the first of the yamas. Nonviolence. The yamas are ethical guidelines for self regulation that are designed to free us from falling victim to our own human impulses. This.....well, this was not the violence I was envisioning. I was contemplating the more subtle acts of aggression we perpetrate on each other in deed, word and thought, and on ourselves.....but in truth, violence is violence. I think when my head clears and the sun comes up I want to stare more directly into the reality of what that means. As of this moment, in the new day, I'm feeling stunned, and a little hesitant to read the headlines this morning, but hoping we are moving on and healing as a country, our leaders working together to nurture Democracy and all that means. On the bright side. Georgia! and Biden! And Kamala Harris! Also, before I crashed last night into the weirdest dreamscape imaginable, I was hearing voices of reason and cooperation from people I wouldn't expect it from. And that gives me hope.

I'm going to gather my winter hiking gear shortly and drive north, and listen to the news on the way, and find my happy place in the mountains. And breathe. And contemplate Ahimsa at a remove and from within the embrace of the natural world.
See you soon.

I'm really excited to introduce Flex-stream yoga classes at Upper Valley Yoga. These are livestream classes that you can still take the way you normally do, at the scheduled time, using your UVY class pass. Taking the class as scheduled is great if your own schedule permits and you cherish that real time connection with other yogis and your instructor. But with Flex-stream you also have the option of waiting and taking the class sometime over the following 12 hours. This latest innovation, spearheaded by UVY's Chrissy Morley, represents our commitment to making yoga classes available to you when you want them. While we are kind of in our "beta testing" with this format, I hope you will give it a try, and let us know how it works for you.

There is a full description below and on the site. Please do read through before signing up for a class. The most common question I've gotten from people so far is, "How soon can I actually take the class if I am not there in real time?" The short answer is: as fast as we can download the recording, upload to a platform, and then post the URL private link back into the "view broadcast" link! It seems to take anywhere between 20-45 minutes to do this if there are no glitches, so please do be patient if you don't see it right after the end of the class time. Rest assured we are working on it!

Which classes are flex-stream now?
Monday 8:30 am Flow
Wednesday 6:30 am Sunrise and Shine
Wednesday Noon Flow
Sunday 9 am Flow

We hope to add more classes as we get up to speed with things; stay tuned!


Equanimity…and New Beginnings!


Are We There Yet?