Hats Off to You, Mamas!


I'll keep this brief:A very Happy Mother's Day to all the moms, and additionally, Happy Mothering Day to all the people who provide mothering love—nurturing, caretaking, tending to—which I think we can all agree is everyone, at one time or another.Greg and I are off to attend our older son's college graduation this weekend, so I am conscious of the end of the era of my own active mothering. One down, one to go; something like that. The graduation is symbolic mostly in that light—he's been on his own while attending college and various internships, so I've had some time to get used to the idea. I won't lie though: anytime we watch home videos from when the kids were little and I was a young mom, I can barely keep it together. There are just such big feelings around seeing that crazy zipline of time, from birth to college graduation. Cliche or no, it goes by fast. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it.We've had Dylan home for more than a week and we love the time with him, and no doubt we will have a huge letdown when he leaves again after graduation to begin his first real job as a software engineer. Yes, a job! I'm a proud mama, and also a little stunned that, well, here we are.I'll roll back into town just in time to teach on Sunday morning, Mother's Day, and I hope you will join us at UVY on that day when we will surely celebrate each other in our roles as mothers, or offspring of mothers, or just folks who regularly wrap their big, loving, mothering arms around the world. Hats off to all of us!Happy Mother's DayLoveLeslie


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