Coming Home to your Body

Creating internal states of grounding, repose and restoration is critical right now in the first weeks of the new year.

How do we establish terra firma when it feels like what's beneath us is more like quicksand? Setting yourself up with a dedicated mind-body practice won't get us to herd immunity or fix our precarious democracy but with all the upheaval, it will help us build equanimity and soften states of hostility and fear.

The body is the first foundation of a mindfulness practice. We learn to use the body to attain elevated states of inquiry and awareness but increasingly we are living in our heads, attached to devices instead of each other and the very solid world around us. Again and again I come back to practical, grounding practices. Finding true connection in our bodies through conscious, intelligent movement and deliberate stillness.

In my practice and my teaching I hope to create a clear functional path that will engender connection to ourselves and the world around us, to feel ourselves—on and off the mat—more embodied and on solid footing for what the year ahead will bring.

I hope you will feel inspired to commit to a practice to help you feel more connected and grounded as you face forward into the new year.


Kissing the Earth with your Feet


The Things We Cannot Control